For a number of services/specialties, you do not need to wait for your GP to refer you; you can self-refer or get advice. These services include:
Blackpool Carers Centre, 147, Newton Drive, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY3 8LZ
Telephone: 01253 393748
Falls service for older people
Falls Prevention Central Lancashire. The Falls Prevention Service is a multidisciplinary specialist service for older people who have fallen or are at risk of falling.
Tel: 01772 777999
Midwifery - Maternity Services Womens Unit
Telephone: 01253 956820 or 01253 953618
Address: Midwifery - Maternity Services Womens Unit, Blackpool Victoria Hospital Whinney Heys Road, Blackpool, FY3 8NR
Mental Health Crisis
The First Response Service (FRS) puts your mental health first. It provides 24-hour access, seven days a week, 365 days a year, to mental health care, advice and support.
If you are experiencing something that makes you feel unsafe, distressed or worried about your mental health you can now contact the FRS by dialling 111 and selecting option 2
If you wish to self-refer to physiotherapy please complete an online form. Alternatively, you can speak with our team on 01772 520900.
Sexual Health
Blackpool Teaching Hospital NHS Sexual Health Service. They provide all age Sexual Health Services across Blackpool and Lancashire. They deal with a variety of sexual health related conditions, providing testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STI’s), including HIV, in line with national guidelines (all age)
Young Persons (11-25) Mental well-being:
Kooth is a confidential and anonymous online service for young people, specifically developed to make it easy and safe for young people to access mental health support as and when they need it, while removing any associated stigma.